Pictured above is a unique flower called, "Beautiful Truth". It was discovered in South Korea by Song Kihun (the grower) who named this rare beauty after his beloved daughter. Although extremely delicate in appearance, with it's strap-like petals that are only a 1/4" thick, it is a very hardy flower that is also very well behaved...unlike others of it's species. This is one of the distinct qualities that make this exceptionally beautiful flower so treasured by it's gardener's!
Sunny shared :
"I found it very interesting that the petals looked like delicate ribs that wrap around the "heart" of the flower where the sweet nectar is. This little flower peaked my interest enough that I began looking up it's history, how it grows, where it grows and if it'll grow in my garden. In my research, I found it is much like a Biblically submissive woman - beautifully delicate in appearance, but grows very strong and hardy and is well behaved, which blesses her Gardener."A Biblically submissive wife, is like this Beautiful Truth flower. * She's delicate in appearance, but is very hardy and strong.
* She grows without being overbearing by overtaking the other flowers in the garden (like others of her kind) -
* she is "well behaved", she practices self-control. (Titus 2:3-5)
* She's shaped by her Gardener and grows in the fashion He chooses.
* She doesn't mind being pruned, though it is painful, causing her to "bleed", because she trusts that her Gardener is pruning her to help her grow more fragrant and vibrant with larger flowers.
The pruning actually makes her stronger (Hebrews 12:11). She doesn't mind looking "ugly" from time to time because her full trust is in her Gardener - not in herself or others. *
She's more concerned with the growth that's happening in the secret places no one else but her Gardener can see.
And this gives her peace, especially when the storms come and beat down on her, or during the droughts when the sun threatens to dry up all she has. During storms our droughts, her roots grow deeper and deeper into the soil, as s
he firmly embeds herself into her strong Foundation - the Lord Jesus Christ, for He alone is her Refuge.No wonder the heart of a husband who's blessed with this kind of wife has full trust in her and has no lack of gain.
* He trusts her because he knows she will not gossip about him to others (1 Timothy 5:13),
* his interests are hers, his desires come before hers, and his welfare is her joy (Ephesians 5:24, Philipians 2:3-4).
* She does not squander his money, nor look upon others with envy.
* She is fully satisfied in the LORD. She is grateful and humbled that God has been mindful of her and provides for her every need and even graces her with plenty (Ruth 2:10).
Though her husband may or may not strive to be a man who loves her as Christ loves the Church, her husband does not worry, because he knows her full trust and joy is in Jesus Christ, not in him or any other person. Therefore he is free to know Christ (if he's not saved), and one day, endeavor to love her as Christ commanded all husbands.
Scripture HE wants to PLANT in my heart as young wife and woman (",)
A wife who trust HIM will not be shaken by Life's Circumstances "I have set the LORD always before me.Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure"
-Psalm 16:8-9 (NIV)
God does all things for her good, by conforming her daily into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters."
-Romans 8:28-29- (NLT)
She is well esteemed because she allows her good conduct to prove her work done in the meekness of wisdom "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13(NIV)
She is clothe with UNFADING BEAUTY within "You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."
-1 Peter 3:4- (NLT)
He is well aware that he is her second love and Christ her first.
She is firmly established in her Savior alone and therefore is not easily shaken by circumstances around her, for her hope is in the LORD, not in the comforts of this life (Psalm 16:8-9).
She is fully aware that her Father God is good, sovereign and trustworthy and does all things for her good, by conforming her daily into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). *
She makes her mark in this world and many take notice of her. Not because she is the most beautiful, not because she is the loudest, proudest or strongest. No, she is well esteemed because she allows her good conduct to prove her work done in the meekness of wisdom (James 3:13) with gentleness and a quiet spirit, faithfully doing good without fear of anyone or anything except God her Father (1 Peter 3:4 & 6).
And yes, even others of her kind (other women) take notice of her, for her peaceful joy and quiet confidence in Christ, speaks louder than any words that can ever come from her lips.
MY GRACIOUS MOMENT WITH MY BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR, MY BEAUTIFUL JESUS!! ^_^I am encouraged how God continuously prune me for my own good!
He sees me beautifully even if at times I failed to see the beauty HE is designing within me in the midst of pruning stages.
I believe this first year of marriage is a pruning moment for me as a young wife, learning many things. As HE asked me to surrender to HIS good will. One of the major things HE is pruning me:
"Submit to your husband as the church submit to Christ"It is a call for me to HUMILITY. Reminding me to follow the steps of Jesus, which are the steps of Humility exemplified in His Great Love for the Father. Great that Jesus was willing to submit, trust, and surrender without questions.
My husband loves to garden. It's true that a gardener knows what plants need more sun, less water, etc.
God as my Gardener indeed knows what needs to be pruned within me for me to be beautiful and biblical submissive wife for His glory! and for my husband to be blessed all his life because of my reverence and intimate walk with God.