My Reflections yesterday (Oct. 15th, 2008)
Laughter Really is Good Medicine
This week I’ve been preparing for a MOPS talk I’m giving next Wednesday. My talk is titled, “Lighten Up and Belly Laugh, Moms.”
I’ve struggled with my topic, thinking what bad timing. Our economy is rock bottom. Our future president is unknown. Our world is at war. And I’m supposed to encourage moms to laugh again. Ha. How shallow! How foolish! How insensitive!
But then again, the more I read and research online, practice my talk, and read Bible verses, the more I believe maybe this talk is God’s timing.
Could it be that with all the chaos in this world, we need the reminder to lighten up and laugh again?
I think so.
Laughter is part of who God created us to be.
The first time the word laugh is used in the Bible is in Genesis 17. Abraham and Sarah both chuckle at God’s promise to give them a son. I would’ve laughed too. After all they are 90 and 100 years old, not exactly spring chickens. I believe God has a sense of humor. Especially because He tells them to name their child Isaac, which means “he laughs.”
We’ve all heard the phrase “laughter is good medicine.” Well, it really is. Proverbs point out the importance of a cheerful spirit. And laughing is definitely a cheerful thing to do.
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart and good news health to the bones. Proverbs 15:30 (NIV).
A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22. (NIV)
Need more convincing? Want to know the health benefits?
· helps our bodies heal faster
· strengthens immune system
· stimulates both sides brain for better learning
· improves brain function
· increases energy
· adjusts blood pressure and blood sugar
· burns calories
· relaxes muscles
· improves digestion and sleep
· unites families in troubled times
Even the Proverbs 31 woman valued a lighthearted laugh. “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she can laugh at the days to come,” (verse 25).
God knew I needed this talk for such a time as this. I’m naturally prone to worry. And worry big! So this time of preparation is perfect timing. Every time I give a talk, I learn the lessons all over again.
Like I said, God has a sense of humor! He makes me smile.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the healing power of laughter.
In His Grip,
Tiffany at “Tea with Tiffany “
I should suppose to post this last night however I didn't able to do so.
Tuesday night, my husband we're counseling me to SMILE or to have a sense of humor and not to think of the problem alone. Also consider solutions and manage to smile.
I became so sensitive when he advised me of how to do things or how to face things better. Yet, in the end I realized, I haven't manage to smile or have a good laugh lately..
I believe God is calling me to SMILE.....and always see the bright side of every situation. And to TRUST HIM unwaveringly.
In His Grace,

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