The Premio Dardos Award was graciously given to me by sweet sister Sunny of A Damsel No Longer In Distress
Premio Dardos means "prize darts" in Italian. This award is given to bloggers, in recognition of their cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writings.
The rules of this award are:
1. Post award on my blog.
2. Link it to my precious sister Debra @ Clothed With Scarlet
3. Link to the original post HERE
4. Pass the award on to at least five people.
Thank you so much Sunny for appreciating my blog for its cultural, ethical, literary and personal values. It encourage me!!
I believe your thoughtfulness and sweetness comes from the Love of Christ.
You are a treasured sister.
I would like to pass on this award to:
Mariz of http://reflectionsbymariz.blogspot.com/
(Appreciate her writing about lifestyle of her own/family, and those in her environment, like posting about resto or establishment.
Kimi Harris of http://www.thenourishinggourmet.com/
(Appreciate her writing about her personal values on eating nourishing food along with its nourishing traditions.
Jean Chia of http://agreatpleasure.blogspot.com/
(Appreciate her creativity in sharing the art of serving food)
Angie of http://angie-alpha-e-omega.blogspot.com/
(Appreciate her being my close friend since university days, and her unique personal values)
Wendy of http://wenlopred.blogspot.com/
(Appreciate her personal values on relationship with God)
Thanks bonnie =) I appreciate the award!
God bless and keep the faith!
hi bonnie! i love your blog! it's so comfortable in here. And i really love all your widgets here. :)
thank you so much for thinking of me! you can nvr imagine how grateful i am now. This award meant alot to me! thanks, bonnie! *HUGZ*
hi bonnie! you've just been tagged! Hv fun! :)
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