Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sweet Award from Ernestine

Indeed, God is lavish with encouragement in so many ways.
It may be through people in your life that He extend those daily encouragement that comes in various ways.

I received a sweet comment from a dear sister Ernestine from my former post.
What an encouragement from a lovely and sweet daughter of God.

Then I visited this link: http://keeping-the-home.blogspot.com/2008/11/naomi-bonnie-rose-amanda-sunny.html

When I saw it: Wow!! Beautiful!!

More than the beautiful art Ernestine made, its her heart I appreciate the most. Her heart that wants to encourage and make someone smile, her thoughtfulness and sweetness.

Ernestine, Thank you so much!!

I wanted to make this award you gave as my Blog's Logo!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie,

I cherish your gracious kindness towards me. You are so generous.

Love, Ernestine :)