So great, how amazing God is in leading us all together to study His Precious Word, His Will to all of us HE has given the Gift of Marriage and being a Wife.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all sisters who drop by and give encouragement to me. I deeply appreciate it. So grateful and thankful. God blessed me even more through your prayers and encouragement.
Thank you Marisa of The Salas Family (
Melody of Gift From God (
Ernestine of Daily Reunion (
Sunny of A Damsel No Longer In Distress (
also the woman behind " A Wife's Biblical Submission" Study
Thank you sisters for continuously dropping by and with all your faith, love and prayers, encourage me with the Love you have in Christ. My endless thanks!!
Appreciate it so much!
This God's favor in meeting you in a meaningful Bible Study,I continue to share this good news to my husband and my future kids.
Beautiful day to you all!!
In His Grace,

Dear Bonnie,
Thank you for your sweet note on my Daily Reunion blog.
The blog I am writing on for "A Wife's Biblical Submission" is...
Motherhood: A Nobel Calling
I just wanted you to know incase I have the privilege of you visiting again.
Thanks again,
Ernestine :)
Dear Bonnie,
How sweet of an honor it is to have you following my blog!
Ernestine :)
Precious sister Bonnie,
I have a bloggy award for you!
Please stop by my place and pick it up. Here's the link:
I'm Overflowing and I Want To Share
Love you dear sister,
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