An excellent wife is very hard to find. Her rare, inner beauty is so exquisite, that she alone (on earth) can have the greatest influence on her husband. The gentle and quiet spirit (biblical submission) of an excellent wife also captures the heart of the Lord God Almighty who not only deems her submissiveness as her greatest strength, but finds her inner strength, most precious in His sight (1 Peter 3:1-6).
"The same goes for you wives. Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs." 1 Peter 3:1 (The Message)
"In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over 2 by observing your pure and reverent lives."
1 Peter 3: 1 (NLT)
* A Beautiful and Excellent Wife in the sight of God is:
- A good wife who is responsive to her husband's need
- A wife who live a Godly, Pure, Reverent, and Respectful Life
- A wife who submit to his husband's authority.
Indeed God's standard is way way different than human.
1 Corinthians 13 goes into much detail of God's agape love, which through Christ we find is first and foremost, submissive to the will of the Father with great love and humility (Philippians 2:5-8). No wonder God finds this rare quality in a wife so precious in His sight. She (a Biblically submissive wife) is the best paradigm of Christ's love and submission to God the Father (1 Corinthians 11:3).
And we know as daughters' of the Most High God, there is no human being who's ever lived that is more precious in God's sight, than His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord."
"Just imagine sisters this great gift God has set before us! Our gracious Lord and God has given us the privilege to exemplify the most perfect expression of love ever known to mankind - Jesus Christ! What is your response?"
~What a privilege that is, that I know I don't deserve~
~A gift I don't get the chance to exemplify all the time, but in God's leading am repenting each and everyday He unfolds into my life as a young and precious wife!~
Amazing , amazing, amazing God!! Worthy of all praises!!
As Scripture says, Jesus was equal with God (He was perfect, pure and without sin), but did not consider equality with God something to be grasped or used the aspects of His deity to work His will (as a man), but submitted to the will of the Father in all things.
As daughters of God, and co-heirs with Christ, we have the same opportunity set before us. We are "equal" with our husbands in that we have the same value in God's eyes and we are equal sinners. But only wives have the incredible opportunity to model Christ's relationship to God by willingly and lovingly submitting to her husband who is equal to her because they are both sinners, and both fall short of God's glory.
Homework: (Sister Sunny, this is indeed a helpful part of this study, as God purify us more for our own good and for His good purposes and Glory!!)
Based on your memorization of Psalm 139:23 - 24 & Psalm 19:14 from last week, make a two column list:
Column 1 - all the sins God revealed to you that you must crucify
Column 2- Scripture verses to help you when tempted with each sin you listed
*Sins That I must Crucify and Work On This Week in God's Help and Gentle leading.
* I have this bad habit of quarelling my husband when am hurt though at times, I really don't realize that I end up quarelling him instead of talking about my hurt feelings.
* Ungodly habit of counting past sins, mistakes, and hurt.
These are really not glorifying to My King.
His voice so loud in my heart:
" Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) keeps no record of wrongs"
....Doesn't keep score of the sins of others, (1 Cor. 13:5-The Message Version)
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) cover a multitude of sins
* Fight sin of unforgiveness and counting past mistakes *
I have to keep God's word in my heart and actions, 1 Peter 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 for me not to indulge with the past esp those pertain to shortcomings....
, instead in God's grace, I'll have a forgiving and loving heart.
That God's love cover a multitude of sins. that my love for my husband cover all his imperfections and past shortcomings.
* Fight the sin of quarelling *
1 Corinthians 13:4-5, God says that LOVE is kind and patient, it is not irritable!!
It does not easily angered...
I lift up my desire to repent over those sins to God who is mighty and loving to help me and lead me to genuine repentance to becoming a genuinely loving wife who never quarell, who lovingly forgive......
This is my Gracious Moment with The Lord this Tuesday......A little challenging, am at home trying to rest to subside my fever, cold, cough.
I lift up this day for God's Glory along with Bahay BJ's situations.
Loving God.........

Dear Bonnie,
You are fighting a good fight of faith!
It is indeed difficult not to be easily irritated. That is one of my biggest faults. There are so many daily occurrences to test me on this.
That is a lovely Noble Wife scripture picture you have posted.
So, you have been sick? I am sorry for that and hope you are well now.
Thank you for your visit to my blog yesterday. I have a Friends Award and a Sister Award, also, if you want it.
Love, Ernestine :)
Oh precious sister Bonnie,
This post is just WONDERFUL! I love your transparency to confess your sins (I will certainly be praying for you over Scripture says, when we confess our sins, we can pray for one another and be healed).
And I am so encouraged by the Scriptures (the SWORD, the Word of God) you found to slay your sin patterns. WOW! God is doing some awesome works in you sister! And what a blessing it is for me to witness it!
I really love the picture at the bottom as well!
I love you dearly,
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